We offer you our expertise in ICP-MS laser ablation imaging. The principle is to use a microscope slide or any other flat support on which the sample to be analyzed is placed after having been cut to a thickness of 5 to 20 μm. The samples will be placed in a cell traversed by a current of helium and subjected to ultra-fast shots from a 193 nm laser. The sample is at the same time guided by a motorized XYZ system and precise to 1 µm to be able to traverse the whole sample in a few minutes (on small surfaces to be analyzed) to a few hours (on surfaces of the type 10 mm x 10 mm ).
The laser is coupled to an ICP-MS which will measure the particles that will be ablated by the laser. Then the data is synchronized and this allows us to obtain elementary images of the samples submitted for analysis. The usual choice is to make impacts of 20 µm but you can choose between 2 and 100 µm.